
Designer: Chiaramonte Marin

Knot, a collection of stately pendent lights, contrasts two dissimilar materials, two dissimilar notions: gentle curves in clear handblown glass against the austerity of coarse rope.

The resulting design is striking, forthright, and dignified at the same time.

Full-bodied globes of varying shapes and sizes are penetrated by robust rope ending in the core design element of the collection – the knot – which seemingly pulls the bottom of the glass inward for a bemusing plastic effect.

The LED light source is mounted beneath an elegant hood made of stamped metal and protected from below by a handblown opal diffusor. Another metal component serves to cap the end of the rope. Knots are well-suited to both private and public interior spaces and make a particularly impressive statement above dining tables.

The collection comprises lights of four different shapes in two sizes with a variety of colour options, and there’s also a romantic table light.

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