Sustainability Report

A Word From Mr. Rabel

Jan Rabell acquired Janštejn Glassworks at the point of closure. Preserving bohemian glassblowing for future generations. In 2006, he founded BROKIS as a platform to revitalize and elevate glass light making to new heights.

When I acquired the glassworks in 1997, with which I was later able to start BROKIS, many things changed, but my outlook on the environment and consideration for the land remained as steadfast as ever. These values require constant work and must be projected onto the living processes of the company.

For instance, I’m very pleased that we’ve managed to reduce our water consumption by more than 50%, which means that leading up to this year we used some 190,000,000 fewer litres of water. I also mustn’t overlook the implementation of new manufacturing processes that have helped us reduce our CO2 emissions by tens of percent.

In order to articulate our efforts and symbiosis with nature, we decided to create this report, which will provide everyone who cares about our planet with sufficient information on our company.

It’s not just the ecological aspect that’s important but also the social one. As a company, we’re a stable employer in the region and fulfill an essential role with impacts that extend well beyond the borders of the Czech Republic. The fundamental values that we uphold enrich our company culture.

In addition to actively practicing ecological sustainability, we’re a socially responsible and ethical company. We value the knowhow of our master glassblowers, whose dedication and hard work keeps the glassblowing tradition going from one generation to the next.

19,000 tons of CO2
(3,800 tons of coal per year)
and 1,800,000 m3 of gas

3,8 tons of CO2
(1,440,000 m3 of gas per year)

Our goal is to be CO2 neutral.

In 2023/2024, we’ll be installing solar panels that will help us achieve an annual reduction of CO2. That’s an impressive 17%.

Our vision counts on the introduction of more elements of a circular
economy, including the ongoing development of our virtual projects, which currently fulfil the role of design shows and trade fairs.

We intend to do all of this while continuing to create unique lighting collections that are not only beautiful and technologically superior. But are also instilled with our legacy of caring for the world around us.

I’m grateful that our clients share these values with us. And I thank them for that.


The Company

The Company

Turnover €8 Million
50 employees
Value Chain

Value Chain

80% of suppliers from the Czech Republic
20% from other countries (Italy, Germany, Slovakia)


50 Brokis
95% Permanant Contract
Renewable Electric Energy

Renewable Electric Energy

100% from external sources
100% from local renewable sources

Janštejn Glass Group, a.k.a. JGG, currently provides employment to some 170 people, 50 of whom work for BROKIS. In dealing with its employees, JGG always endeavours to develop relationships based on integrity and the application of the ethical values that underline the group’s identity.

Family Run Company

The Rabell family has devoted 26 years to the Bohemian glassmaking tradition. Together, they present their remarkable handmade glass products to the entire world.
"Success requires equal amounts of courage, sacrifice, and humility. It can't be achieved without blood, sweat, and tears, and that's especially true of glassmaking. I firmly believe that nothing is impossible." Left to right; Nikola Rabellová; Jan Rabell Jr; André Rabell; Jan Rabell; Adéla Rabellová; and Petra Rabellová.

Sustainability Highlights

Production Chain

Approximately 80% of the company’s suppliers are located within a 120-kilometre radius, and all BROKIS products are assembled in Janštejn (CZ), where the company operates its own glassworks.

This allows BROKIS to use a remarkably short production chain, whose sustainable management relies on lasting relationships built on mutual trust and respect between the company and its suppliers.

JGG believes in sustainable global growth in the
common interest of all current and future stakeholders and is aware of the influence that its activity has on the economic and social development and general wellbeing of the community.
Industry Innovation

In the time the Mr Rabell has been at the helm of the company and the glassworks, many important steps have been taken to address the ecological problems of the past.

The factory is being expanded with facilities that will help the entire group achieve greater efficiency in manufacturing and related processes. There are plans for a new, more efficient filter on the glass furnaces within five years.

Sustainability Awards

Lucie Koldova’s Overlay Collection received the main prize in the sustainability category at the Archiproducts Design Awards 2022. Shards of recycled glass from Janštejn Glassworks are embedded in the unique concrete lamp.

Waste Management

Glass waste is fully recycled, resulting in zero glass waste in the factory. The primary component of this recycling is BROKISGLASS, which arose from the ecological manufacturing practices of Janštejn Glassworks and BROKIS.

This unique material is made of glass shards discarded during the manufacture of BROKIS handblown glass lighting collections.

BROKISGLASS has brought about a significant reduction in waste material.

The transformation of waste shards into a new decorative product represents an environmentally friendly and efficient upcycling of material, thanks to which the glassworks is able to employ a strategic circular economy and thus contribute to the creation of a healthy symbiosis between nature and humans.

The next step are procedures for new glass blends that can be added to other materials, such as concrete, in order to achieve 100% reuse of waste glass shards. These materials are applied in new BROKIS collections.

Energy and Materials

Clean Energy

The company has already drawn up plans to secure part of its energy from renewable sources, such as solar panels, for example.

In addition, members of BROKIS management drive cars with hybrid engines, and the gas for the glass furnaces is purchased from a supplier with benefits of green energy sources.

The goal for BROKIS is to have 100% of its electric energyfrom renewable sources in the year 2025.

100% of glass waste is recycled 80% energy from renewable sources

132.9 t LESS CO2 (-17%)

BROKIS continuously monitors its energy and materials consumption, aware that global challenges are closely linked to energy and usage of local materials, respectively interconnected to climate change and circular economy aspects.


Our company is a leader in sustainability, not only because we achieve significant energy savings but also thanks to our track record of extending the lifetime of products, reducing hazardous substances, and collecting and recycling waste materials.

It is very important for our company to have substantial inventories in stock, which results in greater sustainability due to the fluid supply of materials.

In 2023, BROKIS is planning to open a large new consignment warehouse with a capacity of more than 600 pallet places.

The new facility will provide space for more components, leading to shorter component delivery times. This move will help us further reduce our CO2 footprint.

Packing Policy

In the packing of our products, we use as few plastics as possible. We pack all of our products using Instapak®. Ensuring our products reach their destinations safely and undamaged is one of our highest priorities.

Our packing system is designed to provide our products with outstanding protection, which in turn saves energy that would otherwise be spent on shipping replacement products.


An Ecological Product

The company has already drawn up plans to secure part of its energy from renewable sources, such as solar panels, for example.

In addition, members of BROKIS management drive cars with hybrid engines, and the gas for the glass furnaces is purchased from a supplier with benefits of green energy sources. The goal for BROKIS is to have 100% of its electric energyfrom renewable sources in the year 2025.

BROKISGLASS adds an exciting new dimension and aesthetic to glass.

Made from shards of glass discarded during the manufacture of BROKIS handblown glass lighting collections, BROKISGLASS has brought about a significant reduction in waste material.

The transformation of these shards into a new decorative product represents an environmentally friendly and efficient upcycling of material, thanks to which the glassworks is able to employ a strategic circular economy and thus contribute to the creation of a healthy relationship between nature and humans.

The Future of JGG

The future of JGG as a symbiosis of sustainability, ecology, and human society is firmly tied to the material BROKISGLASS, which embodies this balance and provides a vehicle with which to recycle several tons of waste glass every month into other local products.

Glass is the primary objective in the field of recycling and sustainability. Already, there are visions for new glass blends that can be added to other materials in order to achieve 100% reuse of waste glass shards.

BROKISGLASS, has been developed on the principles of upcycling, sustainability, and ecological manufacturing.
Employees by gender
66% Women
Employees by age
20 - 30
30 - 40
40 - 50
50 - 60
60 - 70

Production and Employees

JGG prides itself on getting the most out of the remarkable knowhow of our employees, who work methodically and with due diligence to achieve results they can be truly happy with.

We acknowledge the crucial role played by each and every one of our people, firm in the conviction that the main factor of success of any company is the professional contribution of those who work there and thrive in an environment of loyalty and mutual trust.

Manufacturing tradition

The BROKIS portfolio features modern functional lighting fixtures, decorative objects, and unique lighting solutions for architects and interior designers. With its own high-capacity glassworks rooted in more than 200 years of history, the company is free to experiment and develop innovative materials, techniques, and technologies as well as design and execute bespoke lighting solutions.

Sustainability is closely related to the heritage of design and the technological knowhow that brings it to life.

Partnership for goals

Last year saw the establishment of JGG with the aim of streamlining cooperation between various enterprises. For instance, the group includes a joinery workshop located only 15 kilometres from BROKIS that supplies the wooden components for the lighting collections.

Sustainable product lines

We have several sustainable product lines, such as Geometric and Night Birds, both of which are pendent lights, and one of which is based on the material BROKISGLASS.

Product Durability and Longevity

Substantial focus is concentrated on the efficient replacement of damaged components. The longevity of our products is ensured thanks to a special connector developed by BROKIS. The connector provides a considerable degree of variability in combining and replacing lights. Outstanding quality and long-term testing further support the longevity of our lights.

BROKIS offers replacements for 100% of its product components

Declarations and Sustainable Development

All woods used in the manufacture of our products bear the Rainforest Alliance seal and are FSC certified.


All glass components are RoHS compliant (Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment). All supplied glass is crystal and contains no lead. All products are and will continue to be fully compliant with EU Directive 2015/863/EU and any amendments made to it.

The timeless Muffins collection represents an extraordinary lighting experience. Since its market debut, it has taken on an iconic status and become a symbol of the BROKIS brand. The sublimity of the design lies in the masterful combination of delicately contoured glass and solid wood.

Sustainability Highlights

Product Development

The outstanding quality of the materials and long-term testing further support the longevity of our lights. Our products are conceived to be icons in the world of design, with timeless ideas and unique technologies ensuring they are jewels in your space for generations to come.

Relationship with Clients

BROKIS demonstrates its devotion to clients by offering exceptionally designed and technologically advanced lighting systems. Attentive communication, an efficient repair/replacement service, and a comprehensive spare parts policy.

All of which contribute to the sustainability and permanent value of the products.

Glassworks Open Days

Since 2020, the gates to our glassworks have been open to the public, and to date more than 2,000 people have taken the opportunity to tour the factory.

The company is currently pursuing plans to open the historic part of the glassworks to the public in 2025.


LCA and EPD Certificates

The goals we have set in the area of sustainable development form an integral part of our company. In order to have the results of these efforts assessed and validated, at present we’re working closely with an accredited laboratory on the certification of our products in terms of both life cycle analysis (LCA) and environmental product declaration (EPD).

If you have any questions about these certificates, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

LCA is a very specific analysis. It provides the groundwork for any sustainability or CSR strategy within a company.

Future Vision

"Our main motivation for continuous innovation is our desire to make our lights easier and more enjoyable to use. From the moment we start developing a new product, we place great importance on its durability and sustainable properties."

We firmly believe our company has many more successful years ahead of it. Our vision together with the vision of our people, our partners, and our designers is the continued evolution of the timeless concepts that serve to underpin all of our products.

We want to continue down the path of extensive testing, unsurpassed craftsmanship, and a timeless character, thanks to which our lights take on a permanent value that lasts through the generations. And that’s also where we see the sustainability of our products.

Among our other visions for 2023 is the 100% recycling of glass waste, a subject we have devoted many years to in the development of the innovative material BROKISGLASS. In recent months, we’ve made a lot of progress and are now well on the path to 100% recycling of our glass waste.

We feel this is a unique opportunity to introduce additional elements of a
circular economy.

The long-term vision of our company is care for the landscape that surrounds the entire company complex. In addition to the more industrial parts, our complex also comprises some 15 hectares of extra-urban land containing fish ponds, woodlands, and meadows, all of which fall under the custodianship of our company.

The vision of our company is to plant trees that will help offset the impacts of our activities on the environment. We foresee one day the use of the wood from these trees in manufacturing BROKIS products.

Our long-term vision and sincere wish is to meet with people who share our understanding and passion for sustainability. It makes me very happy to say that we’re doing very well in this regard, and it’s what lets us speak together now about BROKIS as you know it.

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Register your lighting for our 2 year warranty. You can find the warranty code of your light on the outside of the packaging or in the product insert. You will receive one guarantee code per light. Please note our Warranty Terms.