Guarantee terms
BROKIS - 2 year guarantee
Products by BROKIS inspire with unique attention to detail and extraordinary depth of product quality.
As a testament to this quality, upon registration you will receive a 2 year guarantee effective from the date of purchase. With your registration, you consent to the following guarantee conditions.
General terms and conditions
- Upon successful registration, BROKIS offers an extended guarantee to end customers based on these terms and conditions for all lighting. This extended guarantee is linked to regular information about developments pertaining to the topic of lighting, new products and technological innovations from BROKIS.
- The guarantee requires a registration of the lighting with complete customer information via an online registration conducted by the end customer within the statutory guarantee period of 24 months following the purchase.
- The guarantee is granted on the basis of prompt reporting of the identified defect. The claim must be made within 2 weeks after determination of a manufacturing and/or material defect and with submission of the purchase receipt. BROKIS then allows itself a reasonable time to evaluate the product. If the product must be returned to BROKIS for this, then this will be handled on behalf of the customer. Should any doubts arise regarding the claimed defect or that the alleged defect can be attributed to one of the manufacturing and/or material defects covered by this guarantee, the customer bears the burden of proof that the defect exists and/or the causality is a manufacturing and/or material defect covered by this guarantee; the customer is responsible for providing appropriate evidence.
Scope of the guarantee
- The guarantee extends to material, construction and/or manufacturing defects and applies to the entire product incl. functional failure of the LED and other wear parts.
Dirt and defects due to acts of nature as well as mechanical damage such as damages incurred during transportation are not covered by the guarantee. Installation terminates the right to claims for optical defects of the goods. - The guarantee requires that the following conditions are met:
– Intended installation and intended use of the products are in accordance with the respective product and usage specification stipulated in the installation instructions.
– Limits for external factors of influence such as room temperature and voltage may not be exceeded.
– No modifications may be made to the product that make it deviate from its condition at delivery; the products must be installed as per the instructions and only by a specialised electrician.
– Bulbs must comply with the applicable IEC standards and only those bulbs may be used that are expressly specified for operation (installation instructions).
– Maintenance requirements are complied with by specialised technicians.
– Bulbs are to be replaced immediately at the end of their life. - The guarantee does not cover:
– normal wear and tear or software errors
– intentional or negligent damages by the customer or third party
– settings that change due to wear and tear, fatigue or dirt
– deviations of the product from its description or specifications in our catalogues or other marketing materials;
– and goods and products from other manufacturers that we distribute.
- If, after evaluating a product presented as a guarantee claim, it is determined that it exhibits the defects claimed and these are covered by the guarantee declaration, BROKIS has the option to either repair the defect; replace the product with one similar in form or value chosen by us; or refund the purchase price.
- When a replacement product is provided, deviations from the original product due to further technical developments, as well as slight deviations in design and characteristics are reserved.
- BROKIS assumes no liability beyond this guarantee. In particular, within the scope of this guarantee, BROKIS is not liable for any indirect damages, special or consequential damages, financial losses including the loss of actual or expected profits, interest, income, expected savings or business dealings, injuries to goodwill and damages of any kind occurring to third parties.
- The rendering of guarantee service does not result in an extension of the guarantee period. Replacement products or parts are covered by the guarantee to the extent that they do not exhibit any manufacturing and/or material defects for the time remaining in the applicable guarantee period for the product that was replaced or in which it is installed.
- The liability from this guarantee is limited to the purchase price of the affected product. It is liable in the second degree with regard to other legal grounds.
- A claim to additional or services or payments above the actual amount of damage cannot be derived from this guarantee.
- The customer may only transfer the guarantee or his rights based on it with BROKIS’s written approval. Third parties do not have the right to enforce a provision included in this guarantee.
Final provisions
The legal guarantee rights remain unaffected and are applicable regardless of the guarantee. This also applies to claims against the BROKIS partner and/or installer.
The legal relationship in connection with the guarantee is exclusively subject to Czech law to the exclusion of the UN Purchase Law.
Prague is the place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from the guarantee declaration.